Semester Credits
The unit of credit is the semester credit, representing the satisfactory completion of a subject pursued for a period of not less than fifty (50) classroom minutes per week for the semester, or two periods (100 minutes) of laboratory work per week for the semester, or the equivalent.
Students who transfer quarter credits are awarded .67 semester credits for every quarter credit accepted.
Time expections:
Instruction Delivery Mode |
Hours of in class |
Expected hours of course work outside of class per credit |
Lecture | 1 hour/credit/week for 15 weeks |
2 hours/credit/week |
Lab | 2 hours/credit/week for 15 weeks |
1 hours/credit/week for 15 weeks |
Internships/ Practicums |
3 hours/credit/week for 15 weeks |
As required |
Online | 3 hours/credit/week for 15 weeks |
Hybrid courses and courses offered in condensed formats need to make appropriate adjustments. See Minnesota State Policies/Procedure 3.36/3.36.1
Class Level
A student must satisfactorily complete the following number of semester credits in order to attain the corresponding class level:
1-29 Freshman
30-59 Sophomore
60-89 Junior
90 & above Senior
Maximum Credit Load
The normal semester load for on- or off-campus students is sixteen (16) semester credits. Students who have less than an overall GPA of 3.00 may not enroll for more than eighteen (18) semester credits without the approval of an advisor. Approval should be obtained prior to the beginning of classes. A student must petition the Student Programs and Admissions (SPA) committee for permission to register for more than 22 credits in a semester.
The normal summer term load is from eight (8) to sixteen (16) semester credits. The minimum load for full-time student status in the summer is twelve (12) credits.
Residence Credit
Residence credits are semester credits earned on the Bemidji State University campus, through External Studies, or at off-campus centers that meet University extension credit requirements.
Students earning a B.A., B.F.A., B.S., or B.A.S. degree shall earn a minimum of thirty (30) semester credits of residence credit during the junior and senior years. A minimum of forty (40) semester credits at the 3000 level or above from a senior institution is required. Students earning a two-year degree shall earn at least twenty (20) semester credits of residence credit.
0800-0999 Credits
No credits from courses numbered 0800-0899 may be used to fulfill graduation requirements. A maximum of four (4) credits from Bemidji State University courses numbered 0900-0999 may be used to fulfill graduation requirements. All 0800-0899 and 0900-0999 credits appear on student transcripts, and are included in the cumulative GPA.
Extended Learning
Credits earned through Extended Learning are considered Bemidji State University residence credits.
Correspondence Credits
Correspondence credits are semester credits earned in courses taken by correspondence through an accredited institution of higher education.
Non-Collegiate and Experiential Learning
Extended Learning, 105 Deputy Hall
The University's program for the evaluation of non-college and experiential learning which occurred prior to or outside a formal academic institution enables students to enrich or accelerate their program of study. Such learning may be the result of a variety of life experiences, such as continuing education, work experience, or individual study. Experiential university credit is not awarded on the basis of experience alone, but for the achievement of an advanced level of knowledge and/or skill.
The methods of determining either recognition or university credit are predicated on prior learning that is considered to be at a university level. Each department determines the criteria, if any, which if satisfied, will result in the awarding of university credit. The departments have the prerogative of determining which courses, if any, may be evaluated for non-college or experiential learning.
Standardized Proficiency Examinations
Office of Admissions, 102 Deputy Hall
Standardized proficiency examinations are recognized by many of the departments and include the College Board Advanced Placement Examinations (AP); the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) subject examinations; the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) subject standardized tests; the International Baccalaureate (IB) higher level selected subsidiary level results and the diploma; the College Board Scholastic Aptitude Achievement Test; and various military service school transcripts (DD-214 Forms). No course may be repeated or grade raised by such an examination.
Credit by Special Examination
Requests to take a special examination must be made to the course instructor. The opportunity to take a special exam is limited to students enrolled for residence credits. No grade may be raised or repeated by such an examination. The "Request to Take Special Exam" form is available from the Records and Registration Office (101 Deputy Hall, 218-755-2020,
Transfer of Credits to Other Institutions
Credits earned at Bemidji State University are accepted by other colleges and universities if they are applicable to the student's undergraduate or graduate program.
As the University cannot certify credit earned at other institutions, copies of transcripts other than those from Bemidji State University will not be issued.